
cooking summary - november

November 2021

November got off to a slow start (especially as compared with October) - we went out for dinner or movie nights a few times in the first week.

Things picked up, though! A few things to try again:

Overall I made 45 things in November.

docker in unraid

November 2021

Leveraging my unraid setup to sync Peleton workouts to my Garmin watch so that can track my overall fitness (which is not great).

Really this is mostly about getting an arbitrary docker image to run in unraid, which wasn't immediately obvious but it turns out is pretty easy. The actual sync is handled by Peleton to Garmin, which releases a docker image.

cooking summary - october

October 2021

Things were getting a bit boring, so I tried a few new things this month. Mostly more Asian food, like Mix and Match Noodles, and my first time making bread in months.

Overall I made 45 things in October.

cooking over the pandemic

October 2021

As the shelter in place here in the Bay Area started, food became a huge focus for us (or, well, me). We couldn't go anywhere, it got harder to get ingredients, but having cooking projects kept us (again, this is probably just me) focused on trying new things where we could.

To try to keep things somewhat fresh, to avoid repeating recipes that weren't popular and to remember what my hits were, I started recording what I'd made in a spreadsheet. What's reflected as of this date is pretty much up to date, although I still have more data entry to do (I have a notebook with all of my bread bakes that I haven't entered in yet).

netlify and ffmpeg

October 2021

After some recent additions and changes, I started to see some errors in my Netlify deploys (ffmpeg: not found). I had added dependencies on this locally without realizing that it would be a problem, because netlify doesn't include ffmpeg in their base image. So, I had to fix it up as part of the netlify deploy.