
cooking summary - september

September 2021

Overall I made 18 things in September.

cooking summary - august

August 2021

Overall I made 28 things in August.

cast iron care (pt 2)

July 2021

A while back I wrote about some things I was doing with cast iron. I spent a long time following those steps - seasoning my pan with flax oil, not cleaning it with soap, generally fussing over it and babying the pan.

I don't think any of that worked. The surface of my pan was never smooth; instead, I think the oil leftover from not washing with soap baked into layers, especially around the outside, and this buildup would occasionally flake off.

cooking summary - july

July 2021

Overall I made 30 things in July.

adventures in unraid

July 2021

As part of my pandemic coping, I started upgrading a PC I'd had for a few years. I'd been interested in working on a homelab for a while, and when I accidentally bought a case that was way too large - a Fractal Design Define 7 - I began to think about expanding that machine instead of going to a rack.

It wasn't all clear sailing (I hit some snags that I couldn't see a way through other than replacing a bunch of components), but I tried to record the steps I took and challenges I faced.